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16 August 2009

Wipe Drive Professional v3.0.2

Erase Hard Drive Data with WipeDrive

WipeDrive has been used to erase hard drive data on over 20 million hard drives! It is approved by the Department of Defense, and it is trusted by government agencies and major corporations.
How can getting rid of my PC expose me to identity theft?
Your discarded computer contains your personal information. Identity thieves know most people don't know how to correctly erase hard drive data before giving their computer away. These thieves target personal information on discarded computers and use it to steal your identity.
Wait a minute! Can't I just erase hard drive data by using the Recycle Bin?
Many people think that deleting their files and then emptying the Recycle Bin will permanently get rid of those files. In fact, the Recycle Bin even tells you that emptying the Recycle Bin will permanently remove items.
Unfortunately, that is not correct. After emptying the Recycle Bin, your files can be easily retrieved by many data recovery programs and free software tools.
Does formatting my computer erase hard drive data?
Many people believe the best way to erase hard drive data is by formatting the hard drive. But, contrary to popular belief, formatting your hard drive DOES NOT erase hard drive data!
So how do I permanently erase hard drive data?
The only way to erase hard drive data is to overwrite your hard drive with random information.
Here's a way to understand how WipeDrive is used to erase hard drive data.Think of a video tape that is full of recorded TV shows on it. The only way to get rid of the old shows is to tape over it.
Using WipeDrive is like finding a channel completely full of static and then recording over the entire tape. Using WipeDrive before getting rid of your computer will completely erase hard drive data and protect yourself from identity theft.

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