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22 August 2009

FlexMail 4.01

FlexMail 4.01

The excellent full-function post client for Pocket PC a handheld computer with support of viewing HTML, support IMAP/POP3, and many other things! FlexMail easily bears comparison even with desktop post clients. Possibilities FlexMail:
* Support SSL
* Support SOCKS proxy
* Post databases can be stored on flash cards
* Support of various codings
* Work with BASE 64 or Quoted Printable
* Powerful system of notifications
* It is possible to adjust various ways of connection for reception and sending of letters
* the Simple and powerful browser of folders with messages
* the Direct communication with Pocket Informant for Calendar, Tasks, Contacts
* Viewing HTML of mail received with POP3/IMAP and other servers, and also full initial texts of letters
* Signatures depending on an account
* mail Lists in one or two columns
* Powerful search, it is possible to search at once on all accounts
* Support of all Pocket Inbox plug-ins - Pocket HotMail or OneMail
* Copy and Paste messages between accounts
* Support IMAP Root of a folder
* Advanced IMAP synchronisation


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